Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Pepperdine! So beautiful!



At the end of each day we gathered for reflection and time together.  I learned so much from them on this trip.. and I believe they learned a lot about themselves as well. 

The Best Day So Far!

UCLA- it was AMAZING to see this campus. We ended up spending so much time here. Crystal and Manny were able to go walk thru the UCLA film school; Joel, Adrian, Davon, Candy, MarySue and many others were intrigued and amazed by the Nano Science Center the amazing science that happens there. 

In the Nano Center, we met a scientist (Jason), who received a million dollar grant from the governement to work on his research.  He was fascinating and so generous with his time and his words of encouragement to the students. 

UNLV, Cal Poly Pomona and some tired feet!

Wow! What a great day! These are such spectacularly wonderful kids!!!  We were able to tour UNLV and find out about their many programs.  First day, first school...
We were able to visit the school of engineering, the library and numerous other departments at UNLV. We had a great ambassador and a couple of the students felt that UNLV might be a good fit!

Kids in a real science lab at Cal Poly Pomona

After UNLV.. it was on the bus to California and Cal Poly Pomona.  Cal Poly is known for it's science and math programs. We didn't have an official tour guide, but it turned out okay, as we were able to go through the science department. There we met a PhD candidate, working in her lab. She showed us around and answered student questions. 

Dr. Sagers going over plans with Seini

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Saturday was a long, full day at Disneyland.  I think we road every ride.... Sunday morning we were off to Pepperdine University in Malibu, CA... what a beautiful campus.  We ran into a Utah girl - from American Fork - and she spent some time explaining life at Pepperdine. 

The students have been remarkable! Thanks for sharing them with me.

Friday, September 24, 2010

UCLA and Nano Research

This was so cool!  We were not able to have a guided tour at UCLA - but that didn't stop me.  I went in and spoke with this gentleman, Dr. Jia Ming Chen - and he explained the type of research done at the NanoSystems Institute - a new $64 million state of the art place where Science research happens in a way that sounded like a movie script!! So cool!! The students were mesmerized!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Another great day

Visited UNLV and Cal Poly Pomona today.. .off to sleep, will upload pix tomorrow... with thoughts from the kids...

Made it to Vegas

It was a long, but pleasant bus ride.  Took the kids on a sightseeing trip down the Las Vegas Strip, then to the hotel for sleep.  We are up tomorrow morning and off to UNLV and then Cal Poly Pomona.  I will post more tomorrow.. but, for now.. I am off to sleep!! The kids are great! and behaved super!